
Welcome to the Fundraising Page for calvin wright! I have joined Team Continuum to help pediatric cancer patients and their families cope with the expenses of eveyday life! In the spirit of St. Patrick's day and the entertainment of the crowd I'll be running dressed as a Leprechaun [...]



Welcome to the Fundraising Page for Darren OReilly! Let me give you a quick back story. My best friend, Darragh Nelson, of 33 years was diagnosed 2 years ago to the day with Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma which is a sarcoma that effects less than one in a million [...]



Welcome to the Fundraising Page for Nick Hine! I have joined Team Continuum to help pediatric cancer patients and their families cope with the expenses and stresses of everyday life so they can focus on receiving crucial medical care. Your support of my fundraising effort is vital to [...]

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